Saturday, February 25, 2006

PSE foto session

Nekaj fotk zadnjega druzenja pri Speli in Matjazu, ki imata super spleto stran s primeri njunega dela...

Prvic doslej sem fotkal v studiju, in bilo je zanimivo. Moras pa biti tukaj zelo pikolovski in paziti na resnicno vsako malenkost. In seveda ustrezno postavljati osvetlitev... verjetno je prevec "umetnisko" tole zame... in vecino napak sem ugotovil sele doma na racunalniku...

Da niti ne omenjam, da je bila Vlasta najboljsi model :-)


Some photos from the last photo session at Spela and Matjaz. They have a great webpage with examples of their work:

It was my first time to shoot in studio, and i must confess - it's not an easy business. You have to be very carefull and take into the consideration every small detail. And of course to be able to arrange lighting according to the mood, models,... Well, i just figured out (and that's not a real revellation) that i'm not too much of an artist... anyway, i only found out the majority of mistakes only at home, when looking closely at the photos...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Nekaj sportnih...

Takole. Da malo pospravim podstresje. Nekaj razlicnih dogodkov.

1. Ledno plezanje Mojstrana. Mrzlo za pop*****. In jest sem bil premalo oblecen, pa se rokavic nisem imel. Zato samo par fotk. Rado je pa uzival cel dan ko je visel v steni ;)

2. Evropsko prvenstvo pasjih vpreg ? Trbiž. Ponovno veliko cuckov na prekrasen dan.



Just briefly, to clear my disk. Two events.
1. Ice climbing in Mojstrana. Again. It was very cold, and I didn?t manage to stay longer than an hour. Just for the final of the difficulty.
2. European championship in sleddog ? Tarvisio. Great fun to watch on a beautiful day.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Z Radotom in Matjazem smo se na eno prekrasno soboto sprehodili na ?skoraj? dvatisočak Rodico. Avto pustili ob koncu Suhe, z drugim avtom pa do spodnje zicnice Vogla in nato sprehod po smuciscu? No ja, ko smo prisli do Orlove glave, je Rado omenjal se 1 uro in pol hoje? I wish? Malo se je zavleklo vendar vseeno lep izlet na prekrasen dan.

in koncu še par mojih (se mi po pravici povedano zaradi utrujenosti ni dalo kaj preveč fotkat):

First time with Rado this year. With Rado and Matjaz we went to Rodica, nearly 2000 m high mountain that overlooks Bohinjsko jezero . Some extra panoramas are also great...

Well? this ascent isn?t technically and physically difficult, but it can take a few hours? Especially, if you are unfit. Its nothing like in excitement as Jalovcev ozebnik that we did last year. Anyway, excellent day, good snow conditions?