Thursday, June 22, 2006

Travel photography

Well, i think i need to write something about the travel photography. I love to travel and to take nice photos. So, i often get a question. What kind of equipment is the best for travelling, what camera, ...

Basically, there is no clear answer. Equipment depends on several factors. Whether somebody wants to travel light, whether focus is on taking photos, location, time, and not the least money. Analog/digital? Compact/SLR??

My travel equipment depends on location and how i will travel. If i'm backpacking, i will surely pack less equipment than when staying with someone or travelling with a group.

My basic digital gear consists from:
- Canon 20D
- Canon 28-135IS
- a few CF memory cards
- Image tank 40gb
- an extra battery with charger
- small tripod (very light)

Almost always I will add something wide. If I want to travel really light, my kit lens, but since I have 17-40, thats my companion. When going to safari, tele zoom lens is indispensible... For low light photos 50/1.8. I only rarely take with me my Sigma flash. But at the end of the day, most of my photos are taken with 28-135IS... Surely, I have a really good backpack for photo equipment, Lowepro Compu trekker. But, as i usually travel quite light, i don't take this backpack when going out of Europe.

So, here are a few links... (Dan Heller is one of my favourite travel photographers)

And by the way, if you are still travelling with analog equipment and using films, read this warning!

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Rim... no, pravijo da vse poti v Rim. Zato je bilo treba končno tudi obiskati večno mesto... Mesto zanimivo, malce kaotično, tipično italijansko in seveda zato tudi privlačno. Hrana odlična, seveda glavna dieta je bila pizza, običajno tudi kakšni špageti. Pravzaprav me je mesto presenetilo, poleg tega je ravno prav veliko tako da se da veliko kar prehoditi... Kaj pa je negativno? Definitivno cene prenočišč... za manj kot 100EUR na noč je praktično nemogoče kaj dobiti, razen če se ne spi nekaj kilometrov iz centra (kar pa je škoda)...



Eternal city of Rome. Actually, one of the few famous european capitals that still (until last weekend) avoided me. Yes, it was so close, yet too close to visit... :)

Its nice, worth a visit for more than a weekend. City is a bit chaotic, but thats Italy. Food is excellent, so is wine. Probably the only drawback are the prices of accomodation, as it is difficult or even impossible to get anything under 100EUR. But still... this city got to be on the intinerary of every traveller in Europe...

Preživela scena - fotografska razstava

Z malo zamude, pa bolje kot prepozno. 11. maja je bila v Galeriji Krvina otvoritev razstave oz. fotografij Matjaža Bevka z naslovom Preživela scena.

Pravzaprav skoraj vse pove komentar Radota Miklavčiča: "Matjaž z uporabo moderne digitalne tehnike in navezovanjem na stil starih mojstrov, svojim umetninam skuša vdahniti drugačnost in razpoznavnost. V zgodnejših delih se osredotoča predvsem na ženski obraz, pri fotografijah, ki so nastale v zadnjem času, pa je postala pomembnejša zgodba, ki jo podobe pripovedujejo. Fotograf gledalca večkrat preseneti z rekviziti in dodatki, za katere se na prvi pogled zdi, da ne sodijo v kompozicijo. Prav to pa gledalca spodbuja k razmišljanju in poglabljanju v "preživelo sceno". Dodatno mistiko daje fotografijam Špelin prepoznavni styling."

No, ko sem že pri Matjažu in Špeli... ravno v začetku februarja smo imeli pri njiju doma krajši photo session.

Fotke z razstave: oz. direktna povezava do kolaža predstavljenih fotk

Vse to in še več se pa nahaja na Špelini novi spletni strani:


Photo exibition - Survived scene

Matjaž Bevk presented himself as a photographer and Špela Kolar as a stylist. With the use of modern technique and old style and unusal objects Matjaž tried to inspire with something different and distinguishable. Špela gives the photos special touch with her recognizable styling.

Link: and photos presented.

Needles to say, we had with Matjaž a photo session, just a few months ago.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Portoroz conference photo shoot

Something completely different. Photo shoot at the conference in Portoroz. Only 2 photos for public :)